Sunday, March 15, 2009

This hike was called Emerald Pools. This was the highest up of the three and the coldest (snow!!) The cliffs were so so tall.

This was the lower pool. Loni's picture of this one had a whole bunch of Hispanic guys in it. If I'd waited I would've gotten them on camera too-ha ha
This was the highlight of that day!! Not many of these in Southern Utah, but I had no idea where in Wy.
This was Weeping Rock. The water that falls on top of this mountain sinks down until it hits the shale layer and then seeps out. So when you are standing there, it's raining in front of you, but not anywhere else. It reminded me of the Intermitting Spring.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holly! oh my! it looks like you guys had so much fun! :) I love the pictures